Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Let's Take a Trip . . . To the Circus

I thought I would end our summer vacations by book this week by visiting the circus . . .

Wolf Won't Bite by Emily Gravett
Three little circus pigs capture a wild wolf and make him do outrageous tricks, safe in the belief that he would never bite them.

10 Turkeys in the Road by Brenda Reeves Sturgis
Ten turkeys performing circus acts block a country road, much to the frustration of an angry farmer in a pick-up truck who tries to shoo them away.

ABC is for Circus by Patrick Hruby
Introduces the letters of the alphabet to children with circus-themed illustrations and simple, bold text on board pages.

You See a Circus -- by Mike Downs
A young boy, who is a member of an acrobat family, describes the people and activities of his circus home.

Dad Runs Away with the Circus by Etgar Kerrett
A wildly enthusiastic father surprises his family when he runs off to join the circus.

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