Monday, March 13, 2017

It's Not Easy Being Green!

St. Patrick's Day is coming up this week which means parents and teachers are wanting books for the holiday to read to their kids.  Unfortunately, there are not a huge amount of books about St. Patrick's Day and they are usually already checked out.  So this week, I'm sharing some of my favorite books about the color green  . . .

Good Luck Bear by Greg Foley
When Bear's friend Mouse tells him that finding a four-leaf clover means one is lucky, the little bear searches for one, despite the discouraging words of other animals.

Little Blue and Little Yellow by Leo Lionni
A little blue spot and a little yellow spot are best friends, and when they hug each other they become green.

Grandpa Green by Lane Smith
A child explores the ordinary life of his extraordinary great-grandfather, as expressed in his topiary garden.

Croaky Pokey by Ethan Long
Frogs sing and do their own version of the Hokey Pokey.

Turtle Island by Kevin Sherry
A giant turtle's loneliness ends when a boatload of animals is shipwrecked and makes a temporary home on his shell. But when they decide to sail for home, will the turtle be alone once more?

More Picture Books About the Color Green --
Alberto the Dancing Alligator by Richard Waring
Beware of the Frog by William Bee
Duck and Cover by Jackie Urbanovic
For Pete's Sake by Ellen Stoll Walsh
A Frog in the Bog by Karma Wilson
Froggy Plays in the Band by Jonathan London
Gator Gumbo by Candace Felming
A Girl and Her Gator by Sean Bryan
Green by Laura Vaccaro Seeger
Green as a Bean by Karla Kuskin
The Green Bath by Margaret Mahy
Green Beans by Elizabeth Thomas
The House on East 88th Street by Bernard Waber
How Marth Saved Her Parents from Green Beans by David LaRochelle
Hug Me by SImona Ciraolo
I, Crocodile by Fred Marcellino
Jump! by Scott Fischer
The Little Green Goose by Adele Sansone
Little Pea by Amy Krouse Rosenthal
The Little Pea by Eric Battut
Lizette's Green Sock by Catharina Valckx
Lyle, Lyle Crocodile by Bernard Waber
My Snake Blake by Randy Siegel
The Mysterious Tadpole by Steven Kellop
The Pickle Patch Bathtub by Fran Kennedy
Ribbit! by Rodirgo Folguiera
Suddenly Alligator by Rick Walton
Sylvie & True by David McPhail
Underground Gators by  Tina Casey
Verdi by Janell Cannon
Very Boring Alligator by Jean Gralley
The Watermelon Seed by Greg Pizzoli

Check these books out on display at the Arnold Branch though March 31, 2017.

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