Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Ship of the Dead by Rick Riordan (Magnus Chase #3)

Magnus Chase has gone on two epic quests since first dying and finding out he is the son of Frey, Norse god of summer and health.  Now it's time for one final quest to stop Loki from starting Ragnarok -- the end of the world.

Magnus must set sail with his friends to Jotunheim to brave the giants and the Ship of the Dead with its zombie sailors.  He also must find a way to defeat Loki and return him to his prison so the world is safe once again.

This is the final book in the Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgaard trilogy.  It's been a great series and this is a wonderful end to it.  It was great to see how all the various characters come together in the final book.  (It was also wonderful to have a cameo appearance by Percy Jackson and Annabelle.)  This is a must read for all Rick Riordan fans.

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