Thursday, June 13, 2013

Royal Tales

In honor of yesterday's Royal Fashion Show held at the library, I thought I would share some royal picture books for boys and girls.

Princess Kim and Too Much Truth by Maryann Cocca-Leffler
Young Kim discovers that there is a difference between being honest and always speaking the truth.

Princess Bess Gets Dressed by Margery Cuyler
A fashionably dressed princess reveals her favorite clothes at the end of a busy day.

King Jack and the Dragon by Peter Bently
Jack, Zack, and Caspar build a castle fort, then spend a day fighting dragons and beasts, but at day's end giants carry away first Sir Zack, then Caspar, and King Jack is left to face night creatures alone.

Princess Pig by Eileen Spinelli
A pig believes herself to be a princess and behaves accordingly, but soon learns that being royalty has a price.

The Princess and the Pig by  Jonathan Emmett
When a new baby princess accidentally changes places with a piglet, both of their lives are forever changed.

Falling for Rapunzel by Sarah Wilcox
A prince tries to get Rapunzel to throw down her hair so he can rescue her, but she mishears him and throws down random objects from her room instead.

I Am the King! by Nathalie Dieterle
After his mother gives him a crown, a little boy decides to do only what he wants to do, until he is sent to his room.

May I Bring a Friend? by Beatrice Schenk de Regniers
A well-mannered little boy, frequently invited to visit the king and queen, always asks to bring a friend--and the friends are always wild animals--and always well-behaved.

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