In a magical land called Ellegandia, a boy named Promi scrapes by, stealing pies, cakes and sweets to survive. But when he takes a pie that belongs to the Divine Monk and gets thrown in a dangerous dungeon, Promi's life changes completely.
Marked at birth with the image of a soaring bird on his chest, Promi learns of a prophecy that tells of a someone with that mark who will save Ellegandia and bring about the end of all magic. Promi wants no part in this prophecy, but because of a chance meeting with Atlanta who is trying to save her beloved forest, he is pulled into battles both on Earth and in the spirit realm. He may indeed bring about the end of all magic -- but not in the way he or Atlanta expected.
Atlantis Rising by T.A. Barron was one of those books that I simply could not put down. I pretty much read it straight through in one sitting. The combination of magic, adventure, spirits, and survival was great. The characters, especially Promi, were intriguing. I also loved the creature Kermi who was always sarcastic and insulting. This is a great book for teens and older children.
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