With the start of school this week, I thought I would share some great picture books dealing with the school experience for kids . . .
How Do Dinosaurs Go To School by Jane Yolen
Illustrations and rhyming text depict dinosaurs as they ride the bus to school, jump on top of their desks, read their favorite books, and have fun on the playground with all of their friends.
Preschool School Day Hooray! by Linda Leopold Strauss
Rhyming text and illustrations describe a young child's activities during a day at nursery school.
Five Little Monkeys Go Shopping by Eileen Christelow
Five little monkeys go shopping for school clothes with their mama, but in spite of her warnings about not wandering off, things quickly get complicated.
David Goes to School by David Shannon
David's activities in school include chewing gum, talking out of turn, and engaging in a food fight, causing his teacher to say over and over, "No, David!"
You Can't Go to School Naked! by Dianne Billstrom
A little boy's parents warn him of the dangers of going to school naked, and he eventually agrees to wear clothes, but only if he can pick his outfits.
More Books About School --
How Rocket Learned to Read by Tad Hills
I Am NOT Going to School Today! by Robie Harris
Mr. President Goes to School by Rick Walton
Back to School for Rotten Ralph by Jack Gantos
Jeepers Creepers: A Monstrous ABC by Laura Leuck
Llama Llama Misses Mama by Anna Dewdney
Superhero School by Aaron Reynolds
Willow by Denise Brennan-Nelson
Peace Week in Miss Fox's Class by Eileen Spinelli
I.Q. Goes to School by Mary Ann Fraser
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